Tuesday, September 05, 2006


and Sand Dollar is the Least Emo.

Goddamn Scutt... This is the seconds "Blog" I've had to make because of her.
I wish I had of bought that shirt that said "noone cares about your blog" but instead I went with "you go girl... but your boyfriend can stay".

just kidding. i didn't buy either of these shirts. infact they probably don't exist. pretend i'm not talking right now.

Anyways.... the conclusion of this story is that i have another blog. please delete "scutt made this happen" and add "laurafacehatesscutt" to your list of bookmarks.... you'll get to read this post over and over again.

Things to remember:
Username: lauraface86.
Displayname: lauraface
password: *******

yeah... you know what your password is. silly.

the end.

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